Contact Sam:
Secure Voicemail: 314-632-6587
[email protected]
Sam serves as a LPC on the Avenues Staff. He received his Master of Arts in Counseling from Covenant Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts in Letters from the University of Oklahoma. He is a certified facilitator for the Prepare Enrich couples program and is a trained EMDR therapist. Sam provides individual and couples counseling for various emotional and interpersonal issues such as anxiety, grief and loss, identity, body-image and spiritual reintegration. He also developed and runs a men’s S.T.A.R.T. (Sexual Trauma and Addiction Recovery Therapy) group through out the year. For more details see our group services page.
“I seek to provide counseling to individuals, couples and groups. I work with interpersonal, relationship issues including: family of origin dynamics, trauma and maladaptive coping patterns, marriage and pre-marital counseling, improving communication skills, self-image and identity, managing anger, and men’s sexual addiction.
I love to engage others wherever they are on life’s journey. Pain and anger often make us question our own indelible value. I hope to help people understand and more deeply appreciate their agency and power when circumstances feel out of control. I seek to help people cope well with grief and struggle. My counseling is based on a client-centered approach, and group counseling experience, which is firmly grounded in Christian faith. I also seek to maintain a profound respect for the beliefs of my clients, no matter what their personal values or religious worldview.”