Caring for yourself in the everyday can sometimes prove difficult.
So many people and tasks demand our attention that we can often forget about caring for ourselves. Below are some things I try to do everyday to care for myself. The key word in the last sentence was try, did you catch it? Remember, we are all in the same boat when it comes to taking care of ourselves. Some days will prove easier than others. Be gracious to yourself. After all, you’re only human.
Oh, and just in case any of you out there desire to reject the notion of caring for yourself because you find it to be selfish, don’t do it. Caring for yourself has absolutely nothing to do with being selfish. Caring for yourself isn’t selfish, it just makes good sense.
Accept who you are: Stop fighting against how you were created and disliking yourself. Learn to love who you are and embrace how you were created.
Be honest with yourself about yourself: The moment you begin to ignore what you need and who you are is the moment you begin being at odds with yourself. When we ignore ourselves long enough we begin to create a “fake” self. The result? Over time our “fake” self becomes all we know and we loose our identity.
Have fun: Having fun and laughing reminds us that we are ALIVE! Research (proof!) has shown that laughing and having a sense of humor can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. So laugh, play a practical joke on a friend, watch a comedy, read a silly book, or start telling knock knock jokes until your friends make you stop.
Eat healthy: Easier said than done for most, yet still very important to your everyday mood and body functioning.
Get enough sleep: Don’t just sleep…get enough of it! Our bodies function off of the food we eat and the sleep we get. If we don’t fuel up properly then our everyday days will be more difficult than necessary.
Exercise: I know,I know, trying to eat healthy and get enough sleep was already pushing it and now I bring up exercise. However, its true that exercise is so important for our bodies so I can’t ignore this topic. Even if you go walking for 30 minutes a day (or every other day) its better than nothing. Try going on a walk in the morning. Like around 7ish. I think its more fun to walk in the morning while all of the squirrels, chipmunks, and birds are more active.
Remember the core of who you are.
-Lianne Johnson, LPC