Our New Office Space!
Avenues Counseling is moving into our new office space in May. We are excited to join the Richmond Heights community and to continue serving all of St. Louis in our convenient central location with our counseling services. Easily accessible from Interstates 64/40, 170, and 44, our new location allows us to provide a comfortable setting for the many people who come to us seeking healing, change, help, and support. Thank you to all who donated your time, financial support, or your various household items to help us make this next step a reality. We are looking forward to seeing how our new building allows us to continue toward, and even expand, our mission. To read more about our mission, click here.
The Avenues Blog
Parenting Our Children
“Parenting my children has been one of the hardest things I have ever done. The role I have taken on as “Mom” is daunting at times when I realize that it’s my job to teach them how to be people – regular ole’ human beings, it can often feel like one of the hardest tasks I have been given….” To read more click here.
Welcome Melinda! Melinda joined our team in February. Melinda works with adults and teenagers dealing with issues related to eating disorders, depression, self-image, anxiety, grief and loss, family-of-origin, marital conflict, perfectionism, and anger. Learn More
Did you know Avenues is a non-profit?

In 2013, our team donated
over $60,000 of counseling services to individuals and families throughout St. Louis. Please consider joining us in serving those with limited resources by becoming a financial partner with Avenues Counseling, as our scholarship fund allows us to extend the vast benefits of mental, emotional, and relational health to all who seek it.
Services We Offer
Could you or someone you know benefit from seeing a counselor? Find out what services we offer.